
Bardock Made Going Super Saiyan Cool Againqsuper Saiyan 4

"That's correct, you lot may take anticipated my attacks and so far, but you have no thought what I am capable of now... and what y'all don't know... could hurt y'all."
— Goku in "Raising the Stakes"

Super Saiyan 4 ( スーパー サイヤじん フォー , Sūpā Saiya-jin Fō ) is a type of Super Saiyan transformation and the controlled variant of the Golden Great Ape form which showtime appeared in Dragon Ball GT. The grade is a unlike branch of transformation from the before Super Saiyan forms, such as Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan ii and Super Saiyan iii.[5]


  • 1 Overview
    • one.ane Appearance
    • 1.2 Usage and Power
  • 2 Variations and Enhancement
    • Super Full Power
      • 2.1.1 Limit Breaker
      • 2.1.2 Broly
    • 2.2 Dark Corrupted
    • two.3 Nighttime Gogeta
    • 2.four Super Saiyan 4 Kaio-ken
    • ii.five Ultra Fusion
  • iii Video Game Appearances
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Gallery
  • vi References
  • 7 Site Navigation


The only style a Saiyan can attain Super Saiyan four is if they have a high enough power level and become a Golden Great Ape (or Broly'southward variant) and regain witting control over the form. Even subsequently this form is attained, it cannot be accessed at will and requires exposure to Blutz Waves every time the user wishes to transform, even so, in GT only, Goku is apparently a special example, capable of using the form whenever he wishes.[6] In Dragon Ball Heroes Gohan acquired the course without a tail while grooming, and Xeno Trunks was originally going to have acquired the form also showing that even Half-Saiyans born without tails can nevertheless larn Super Saiyan 4.

The Super Saiyan 4 form was designed by Toei Animation's character designer Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru.[5] The form is a combination of the Super Saiyan and Groovy Ape forms attained through the Golden Groovy Ape form, it gifts the Saiyan with primal ability,[7] though they retain a humanoid appearance. It is possibly the Legendary Super Saiyan that appears once every i,000 years.[viii]

This form gives the user the super strength and speed of a Smashing Ape, but with a calm, clever mind. Just for others, it tin brand them very cold and ambitious.[9] A user of this class loses some of their rationality.[ten]

The form'south power is too great to exist utilized by a child and so a child user is anile into an adult when using it. The form possesses all of the power of Gold Great Ape.[11]


Vegeta's Super Saiyan 4 form

In this form, the Saiyan's hair colour differs, the aforementioned goes for the tail and the body is covered in cerise fur. A Saiyan in this form too possesses a shadow trim around their eyes and over the eyelids that varies in colour, such as carmine. The pilus is lengthened while becoming wilder, reaching downward to the middle of their back, while two long pointed bangs of pilus appear on both sides of the neck. It also makes the private considerably larger in height and muscularity, as shown by Vegeta when his time limit ended and he reverted to his considerably smaller size.

The aureola in this grade loses the arcs of electricity, once again shaped like a regular Super Saiyan'south smooth aureola, (although in diverse video games, the aura was depicted as reddish with a minor yellowish glow and sparks of bio-electricity). Well-nigh games depict the aura as the standard aureate.

In the case of the Fusion Trip the light fantastic toe warrior Gogeta, the coloration of the same features seemingly switches, as Gogeta'southward hair became a bright shade of carmine whereas his fur became a dark shade of brown and the trim around his optics were black instead of ruddy. His aura also has xanthous sparkles to it.

For Broly, his Super Saiyan 4 form is much like that of Goku'south, though because he is using Legendary Super Saiyan four, he retains the massively oversized muscles and lack of pupils his standard Legendary form possessed.

The form besides manifestly has a seemingly magical power to restore the wearer's lesser wear (in a style reminiscent of Magic Materialization or clothing produced past the Metamoran Fusion Dance) even if it had been destroyed as a consequence of transforming into a Great Ape and/or Golden Great Ape beforehand to achieve Super Saiyan iv. This happens to both Goku and Vegeta (due to the Saiyan Prince wearing Earthling attire in GT). Still upper trunk clothing that tin adjust to the size of a Swell Ape such as Gogeta'south Metamoran vest (as the clothing is byproduct of the Fusion Dance) or Broly's necklace (which is seemingly designed to modify size similar Saiyan Boxing Armor) will remain upon achieving Super Saiyan 4. However as shown by Bardock, Xeno Bardock, and Xeno Vegeta the upper torso portions of their Saiyan Battle Armor are ironically removed while in their corresponding Super Saiyan 4 forms.

Usage and Power

"Calorie-free breaks the darkness! This form is my instrument - I have no limits."
— Goku in "Baby Put to Rest"

Gilt Corking Ape Goku in the procedure of transforming

The Super Saiyan 4 form is a condensed version of the Great Ape'south power,[12] drawing the ability of its user up to its utmost limits.[5] This form is further stated by Old Kai to awaken the fallow power of the user. [13] This is reminescent of the Potential Unleashed transformation utilized by Gohan. [14] While Goku's Super Saiyan 3 course was unable to fifty-fifty faze Baby Vegeta, every bit before long as Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan 4, becoming an adult one time more in the process, their roles in power became polar opposites, with Babe Vegeta being nigh unable to hurt Goku. At the time of its debut, Super Saiyan 4 was the mightiest course in the entire series.[15] However, information technology is noted that Vegito may have been fifty-fifty stronger than Super Saiyan 4.[16]

This transformation allows users to apply more powerful signature techniques. For example, Goku develops an attack he calls the 10x Kamehameha, as it is ten times (10x) stronger than the Super Kamehameha, Gogeta uses a powerful combined attack named 100x Big Bang Kamehameha in video games, and Broly has an attack named Gigantic Destruction. Despite this, the user tin can still perform the regular variants of their signature techniques if they so wished.

Like the Super Saiyan God form, this form besides seems to allow the user to absorb energy attacks. However, unlike Super Saiyan God, the Super Saiyan 4 form does not utilize up the user'south power when arresting energy attacks. This is shown when Goku absorbs Great Ape Infant's Revenge Death Ball Final and turns it into a 10x Kamehameha.

Super Saiyan four as well enhances the user's Saiyan Power power in seemingly existent time as during Goku'southward battle against Eis Shenron he was frozen solid by the Shadow Dragon, requiring Nuova Shenron's aid to escape. Afterwards, nonetheless, Goku adjusted to and became completely unaffected by Eis Shenron'due south adjacent usage of the attack as he instantly broke free while completely unfazed from the event. To which, Goku noted firmly that the same technique does not work twice on him. Afterwards, against Syn Shenron, despite being blinded by Eis, once recharged by the other Saiyans' ki, Goku adapted and so completely from Syn'southward previous attack that but using his other senses allow him react to all of the Shadow Dragon'south attacks effortlessly.

Dissimilar the Super Saiyan 3'south strain due to the utilization in ki, this class does non require as much energy to maintain as Super Saiyan three, assuasive the user to stay in the country at a much longer duration. Although the form doesn't crave much energy to use or maintain, the user can still fall out of the form if they run low, like to Super Saiyan iii.[17] And while its ki consumption does not strain the user themselves, it does become straining when used in conjunction with Fusion Dance, significantly shortening the fusion time limit; equally evidenced past Gogeta defusing within ten minutes instead of the regular half-hour limit.

In the Xenoverse series, both Beerus and Whis note the class to possess amazing ability, and Goku, Vegeta, and Gogeta retrieve that the form might exist able to surpass Beerus. Whis considers it powerful plenty to inquire Goku if he would be willing to go a God of Devastation.

In the Prison Planet Saga, Super Saiyan iv Xeno Goku proves to be able to battle Super Saiyan Blue Goku evenly in the manga and anime, all the same, in the game, Xeno Goku is defeated and has to catch his breath later the battle, while Goku does not, with Xeno Goku noting that Goku is a step above him in power.[eighteen] In the anime, Xeno Vegito manages to fight on par with Super Saiyan 3 Cumber using this form, seemingly indicating that he was more than powerful than Super Saiyan Blue Vegito - who could only clash evenly with base Cumber, while in the manga Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Vegito appeared to be the weaker of the two versions of Vegito, as he was the one who could only clash evenly with base Cumber.

In the Extra Pack 2 Story Style, thanks to Fu altering and messing around with the timelines, a post Tournament of Power Goku every bit your partner meets Vegeta and himself while they are training in Whis' loonshit of godly ki, both of whom are beingness manipulated by Fu. Vegeta opts to boxing the Futurity Warrior as the concept of 2 Kakarots annoys him. During the fight, Fu begins to flood Goku and Vegeta with Blutz Waves and turns them into Super Saiyan 4, much to Elder Kai's dismay, to which the Goku working with the Fourth dimension Patrol responds with Super Saiyan Blue and feels compelled to fight himself who is using a form he does not even know virtually. During the fight, information technology is likewise implied that Super Saiyan 4 Goku (whose Super Saiyan country possessed the mastered energy of a god and was close to awakening Super Saiyan Blueish) has comparable power to Super Saiyan Blueish Goku (from the Tournament of Power), with Super Saiyan 4 Goku having the advantage in power. However, both he and Vegeta inevitably lose the boxing.

In the English version of a Gohan and Super Saiyan four Gogeta post-friction match quote of Dragon Brawl FighterZ, Gohan states he has never seen anything as powerful every bit Super Saiyan 4.[19] This is not in the original Japanese version.[20]

"Hahahahah...I am the prince of all Saiyans. I could never allow my reason to be overpowered by the fundamental heed."
— Vegeta declaring his control over the Great Ape form

This form is a transformation from Aureate Great Ape, accomplished when a Golden Great Ape has accomplished a "human heart" - causing the birth of this form, which has both the tremendous power of the Golden Great Ape and the reasoning of a "homo heart".[5] Unlike the principal Super Saiyan forms, a user of this form will always announced equally an adult,[5] this is because this form raises the ability of the user to their prime physical status, the user volition not only appear as an adult only also look considerably younger, similar to the style they did during their prime years, (e.g. Goku's skin turning back into its original peach color, Vegeta's hair becoming the iconic flame-like appearance he always sported through his prime number years).

Goku's Super Saiyan 4 form seen for the showtime fourth dimension

The Super Saiyan 4 form is starting time achieved by Goku in Dragon Ball GT after transforming into a Gold Peachy Ape and witnessing his granddaughter Pan crying to calm him downwardly. In this new course, Goku has enough strength to dominate Super Infant Vegeta 2, whose attacks (including the Revenge Death Ball) have no effect on Goku in this form. Nevertheless, afterwards Baby Vegeta transformed into a Golden Swell Ape, things are far more than even but despite Baby Vegeta's new power (even gripping Goku between his hands Goku nonetheless broke out of information technology with minor difficulties). Eventually, the two have a double Knock-out. Baby Vegeta is rejuvenated by Bulma'southward Blutz Waves Generator, however, and Goku regains the full power of Super Saiyan 4 to confront him.

Goku's next opponent upon achieving the course is Super 17, who has easily defeated the other Z Fighters and proved to be Super Saiyan 4 Goku'due south first real challenge. Because of his free energy absorbing abilities, Super 17 is able to plow all of Goku's energy attacks into his ain ability, making him stronger with each assault. Eventually, Goku reverts to his base course and kills the android (with the assistance of Android 18) using his Dragon Fist assault followed by a Kamehameha.

Vegeta (left) and Goku (right) as Super Saiyan 4s

Super Saiyan 4 proves to be incredibly helpful when Goku uses information technology to take down most of the evil Shadow Dragons. Withal, he meets his match in Syn Shenron, the strongest of the 7 Shadow Dragons, who absorbs all of the Dragon Balls and becomes Omega Shenron. Omega Shenron's power proves to be far greater than that of a Super Saiyan 4, and Goku is thrashed around for most of the fight. Seeing how bad this situation has get, Vegeta uses Bulma's Blutz Wave Generator to grow a tail and become a Golden Slap-up Ape like Goku. When he finally gains command, Vegeta is successful in becoming a Super Saiyan 4.

Gogeta's Super Saiyan 4 variation

However, even as a team, Goku and Vegeta withal stand no run a risk against Omega Shenron. Information technology is not until they fuse into Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta that their power vastly exceeds that of the Shadow Dragon. However, Gogeta spends likewise much time playing effectually with Omega Shenron and the fusion wears off in 10 minutes rather than the usual xxx minutes, due to his own tremendous power, ultimately failing to finish Omega Shenron off in time (but manages to state a Large Bang Kamehameha on Omega which fabricated him regurgitate the Dragon Balls, reverting him back into Syn Shenron). Goku eventually kills Omega Shenron with the Super Ultra Spirit Bomb.

During the Dark Empire Saga, Xeno Goku and Broly Dark both apply this class in their three-way battle with each other and Mira (Towa captivated). Xeno Vegeta subsequently uses this course against Demon God Gravy, though is unable to accept him down due to his injuries, at the same fourth dimension Xeno Goku uses the grade confronting Demon God Shroom, only is at a disadvantage for the same reason. This leads to the two fusing into Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Gogeta to boxing the demons.

Xeno Vegito as a Super Saiyan 4

Xeno Goku utilized this grade for nearly the entirety of his appearance in the Prison Planet Saga of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, battling Super Saiyan Blue Goku with information technology. Xeno Vegeta also utilized this form for the entirety of his appearance and fuses with Xeno Goku to course Super Saiyan four Xeno Vegito. Xeno Vegito and then battles and defeat Super Saiyan iii Cumber before defusing dorsum into Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta.

In the Universe Creation Saga, both Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta take on this form while battling the mysterious Dr. W while in Hell. Xeno Goku uses his Kamehameha alongside Xeno Vegeta'south Galick Gun but the combined attacks cause no damage to Dr. W who claims that his analysis on the two are completed. He then takes the data that he has received to Janemba.

Super Saiyan 4 Broly is fought by Beat and his friends in the Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission manga repeatedly, and acted as a minion for Genome, who wished to access the Dragon Balls. He was powerful enough to defeat Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron (true form), and Rage Shenron (Electric Slime Body Build) with minimal try, and also easily take out Super-Class Froze and Super-Class Beat, as well as being completely unaffected by attacks from the latter's Super Saiyan iii course. During instances where he is present, he is also accompanied past a thunderstorm.

Variations and Enhancement

Super Total Ability

Master commodity: Super Full Ability Saiyan 4

Goku as a Super Full Power Saiyan 4

An "ultra full power" version of the Super Saiyan 4, which takes its user beyond their limits. Information technology is achieved by absorbing an extreme amount of Saiya Power from other Saiyans.

In Goku's first usage of this land, it is described equally a "fully-powered Super Saiyan four" and gained a blood-red aura which occasionally flashes over his whole body.

Limit Breaker

Chief article: Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker

Xeno Goku utilizing Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Cleaved

This grade is a limit broken variation of the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 state which Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta attained during the Universe Cosmos Saga.

In this form, the Super Saiyan 4's body is filled to the brim with ki.


Although technically role of the Legendary Super Saiyan line, Broly had a Super Saiyan 4 variation that was a mixture of traits from both the standard Super Saiyan 4 line and the Legendary Super Saiyan line. Broly was implied to take achieved this course via the assistance of Black Smoke Shenron in Jakku Mission 7. His Full-Ability variation also has him sporting a huge gash across his chest, alluding to the stab wound he received when he was a baby.

Night Corrupted

Principal articles: Dark Dragon Ball and Super Saiyan 4 Full Power

Broly Night

This form is the result of Broly using the Super Saiyan 4 transformation, combined with the meaning power increases of the Fourth dimension Breaker Mask and the Seven-Star Dark Dragon Ball. In this state, he is known equally Broly Dark.

Dark Gogeta

Master articles: Assimilation and Night Gogeta

Fin transformed into Dark Gogeta as a upshot of absorbing Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta

This form is the result of the artificial Pure Majin Fin arresting Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Different Kid Buu's absorption, Fin is able to absorb the genetic data of any fighter he absorbs assuasive him to achieve a corrupted Super Saiyan four-Majin hybrid state known as Dark Gogeta. Fifty-fifty if Gogeta is removed from Fin's trunk, he retains the power to transform into his Nighttime Gogeta course, though the country is weaker if Gogeta is not absorbed. In this state, Fin gains Gogeta'south Metamoran clothing, pilus, and SSJ4 tail.

Super Saiyan 4 Kaio-ken

Primary article: Super Saiyan iv Kaio-ken

Xeno Gogeta utilizing Super Saiyan 4 Kaio-ken

A drastically-empowered Kaio-ken version of Super Saiyan 4, used by Xeno Gogeta in Super Dragon Ball Heroes.

Ultra Fusion

The Ultra Fusion'southward unique form

The grade utilized by Tekka's Ultra Fusion when a pure Saiyan male (such equally Kid Goku in the story) is the one to instigate the fusion (or Tekka is a male Saiyan) resembles a golden Super Saiyan 4, though the pilus on their arms does not become all the style downward and is restricted to their shoulders, though they have a golden Saiyan tail. Female Saiyan Ultra Fusions lack the gilded Super Saiyan 4 fur and their form instead resembles a Super Saiyan 3.

Video Game Appearances

Super Saiyan iv Vegeta, Gohan, and Goku in Dragon Brawl Heroes

  • Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout
  • Dragon Ball GT: Transformation
  • Dragon Brawl Z: Budokai 3
  • Dragon Brawl Z: Infinite Globe
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
  • Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi two
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi three

Gogeta's alternate colored Super Saiyan 4 in the Budokai Tenkaichi serial

  • Dragon Brawl Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
  • Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse (GT Pack 1 & GT Pack 2)
  • Dragon Brawl Discross
  • Dragon Brawl Z: Dokkan Boxing
  • Dragon Brawl Fusions
  • Dragon Brawl Xenoverse 2
  • Dragon Ball FighterZ
  • Dragon Ball Legends
  • Super Dragon Brawl Heroes: World Mission

In Dragon Ball Heroes, new characters were given this transformation. Beginning in November 2014, Super Saiyan 4 Broly appeared followed past GT Gohan in Nov 2015. In Nov 2017, Bardock also accomplished this transformation. Xeno Vegito received it in November 2018.

In Xenoverse 2 as role of the Super Pack iv DLC, there is an outfit and accessory based on Super Saiyan four Goku. When the upper body portion of the outfit is worn by female characters they also habiliment bra-like peak to cover their chest which they wear over the Super Saiyan 4 Suit. The suit and accessory tin exist worn past all races and genders. In the Infinite History Saga, thanks to Fu altering and messing around with the timelines, a post Tournament of Power Goku every bit your partner meets Vegeta and himself while they are training Inside Whis'due south Staff, both of whom are being manipulated past Fu. Vegeta opts to battle the Time to come Warrior as the concept of two Kakarots annoys him. During the fight, Fu begins to flood Goku and Vegeta with Blutz Waves and turns them into Super Saiyan 4, much to One-time Kai'southward dismay, to which the Goku working with the Time Patrol responds with Super Saiyan Blue and feels compelled to fight himself who is using a form he does non even know about. During the fight, it is also implied that Super Saiyan iv Goku (whose Super Saiyan state possessed the mastered free energy of a god and was close to awakening Super Saiyan Blue) has comparable power to Super Saiyan Bluish Goku (from the Tournament of Power), however both he and Vegeta inevitably lose the battle, even when fusing into Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta in some scenarios.

SSGSS Beat & SSJ4 Xeno Gogeta in World Mission

In World Mission, during the terminal battle with Sealas (Fused), Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta revert from their Super Saiyan four forms to their base forms along with the Dragon Ball Heroes squad who revert from their Hero Avatars to their natural forms. After Notation, Froze, Kagyu, Kabra, Zen, Chamel, and Nim give their ability to Crush allowing him to attain his natural Super Saiyan Blue form every bit a Earthling-Saiyan hybrid, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta fuse into Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Gogeta to combat Sealas (Fused) aslope Time Ability Unleashed Chronoa, and Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Trunks.

in FighterZ, GT Goku will transform into Super Saiyan 4 mode when performing Dragon Fist Explosion with one teammate downwards. Additionally, the Super Saiyan 4 version of Gogeta was added to the game on March 12th 2021.


A Freeform Fusion which resembles the unused Super Saiyan 4 design

  • Gold was considered to be the head hair colour of the Super Saiyan 4 form (like the core Super Saiyan forms); withal, it was decided that black head hair went ameliorate with the red body hair.[7]
  • Xeno Trunks was originally going to achieve Super Saiyan four during the Nighttime Rex Mechikabura Saga, all the same the developers could non decide on the hair color (royal or black) and and so information technology was scrapped in favor of Super Saiyan God.[21]
    • The URLs for Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan'south profiles for the Large Bang Mission anime include Super Saiyan iv in their championship.[22] [23]
  • In the Japanese version, while using this form, Goku changes his personal pronoun to ore, but however keeping words similar ome in his vocabulary instead of changing it to omae. This applies to Xeno Goku likewise.
  • When Vegeta transforms, as well as turning it wild, his hair turns back into its flame-like appearance he sported throughout Dragon Ball Z.
  • When transforming into Super Saiyan four, both Goku and Vegeta lose their shirts, only when they revert to their base forms, their shirts can be seen once more (however, Gogeta still has his vest on when he is a Super Saiyan four). The wearing apparel are even repaired; in the Super 17 Saga, when Goku attempted to sacrifice himself with Super 17, he reverted to his kid country, and his gi was fully intact, despite the fact that it had been previously blasted off.
  • When Goku reverts to his base grade from Super Saiyan 4, Goku still has his tail. Yet, when Vegeta reverts to his base form from Super Saiyan iv, his tail vanishes; this is most likely due to the fact that he accomplished this class via non-natural ways (the Blutz Wave Generator) and not via the usual method of arresting Blutz Waves through his tail due to his lack of a tail.
  • Despite being in possession of Vegeta'due south body and able to achieve the Golden Great Ape form, Baby is unable to achieve Super Saiyan 4 as he was possessing Vegeta'south body which had undergone Tuffleization. Though information technology has been suggested Baby Vegeta was impure due to the Infant's possession of Vegeta making him impure, it should be noted that Fin was able to reach a hybridized version of Gogeta'due south Super Saiyan four grade while retaining his Majin traits as his body is able to record the genetic information of his absorptions and Gohan/Xeno Gohan able to accomplish Super Saiyan 4 despite being hybrid Saiyans. This indicates that Tuffleization and Baby's possession of Vegeta is what prevented Baby from achieving Super Saiyan 4 like Vegeta after did.
    • It should be noted that past absorbing Gogeta, Fin gains access to his genetic information essentially making him a Saiyan-Majin hybrid.
    • Gohan & Xeno Gohan are currently the only Saiyan-Earthling hybrids to reach the form. They and Hereafter Gohan are also the only confirmed Saiyan-Earthling hybrids to inherit the Saiyan Tail gene from their respective fathers (Goku, Xeno Goku, & Future Goku).
      • Given two of his counterparts have achieved the class, Futurity Gohan possesses the potential to achieve information technology given that he too was born with a tail.
      • Had the Super Dragon Ball Heroes developers been able to settle upon a hair color, Xeno Trunks would accept been the first Saiyan-Earthling hybrid to accomplish the course without ever having a tail. It is currently unknown, if tail-less Saiyan-Earthling hybrids or Universe 6 Saiyans could achieve Super Saiyan iv through artificial Blutz Wave exposure as Xeno Trunks unrealized Super Saiyan 4 form suggests.

The Super Saiyan 4-like mental image that appears in Dragon Ball Z

  • When Goku first transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 on-screen (in Dragon Ball Z), there is a vision in his mind of him transforming from a Great Ape to a more monkey-like Saiyan, to his developed form, and finally into a baby. The monkey-like form bears a large resemblance to Super Saiyan four.
  • The Wrath Country introduced in Dragon Ball Super: Broly is highly reminiscent of Super Saiyan 4, both transformations utilize the power and strength of a Peachy Ape without changing shape. However, while Goku and Vegeta in Super Saiyan 4 are conscious of their deportment, those in the Wrath State such as Broly become feral and uncontrollable.
    • Broly's hair and eyes in his Wrath State also await similar to a Super Saiyan 4's.
  • The seven Saiyans to have reached this transformation in the series accept shown differences in appearance amongst i another:
    • Goku'south variation is the first to be seen. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan 4, he has magenta carmine fur on the top half of his body, his hair remains blackness, and his eyes change to golden-yellowish.
    • Vegeta's variation is the second seen. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan 4, his hair turns dark brown, the fur on the top half of his body is crimson red, and his eyes are green.
    • Gogeta'south variation is a completely different coloration from Goku's and Vegeta'southward. In this form, Gogeta'south hair is blood-red, the fur on the top one-half of his body is dark-brown, and the eyes alter to a blue colour. The reasons for these alterations in Gogeta's Super Saiyan 4 form from Goku and Vegeta'southward forms are unknown.
    • Broly'due south variation is besides different. In this form, Broly has black pilus similar Goku, but his fur is a blood blood-red color. Broly'southward variation takes on numerous traits of the Legendary Super Saiyan forms, including a much larger and more muscular body, and he loses the irises and pupils in his eyes.
    • Gohan's variation is the fifth seen. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan 4, he has cherry-red cherry-red fur, his hair remains black, and his eyes change to golden-yellow, similar to Goku.
    • Bardock's variation is nearly identical to Gohan's. He gains Scarlet cherry-red fur, his pilus remains black, and his eye-color is gilt-xanthous. The cardinal difference in appears of Bardock's form is that his hair gains more spikes to its fashion and he notwithstanding secures his tail around his waist, due to the fact that his jumpsuit pants being shown in half awkward looking.
    • Xeno Vegito'southward variation is the seven variation seen. In this course, Xeno Vegito's hair goes from nighttime/reddish dark-brown to black, the fur on the meridian half of his body is crimson red, like Vegeta, and his optics are blue.
  • In the Super Saiyan iv class, Goku'south voice is noticeably deeper and rougher like his Super Saiyan 3 grade every bit an adult than his regular developed vocalization. Vegeta's voice is also slightly deeper.
  • In the Blue H2o dub, Goku's voice in his Super Saiyan 4 grade matches his regular adult vox. Vegeta'due south voice likewise matches his regular vox.
  • When the function Saiyan-Demon Mira takes on his Last Grade, his advent resembles a tail-less Super Saiyan iv. His figure was besides advertised alongside the Dragon Ball Heroes Super Saiyan 4s.[24]
  • During the "Future" Trunks Saga, the Watagash possessed Earthling Barry Kahn 2nd Phase Heteromorphism form likewise resembles a tail-less Super Saiyan iv. Given that his 3rd and final stage form also resembles Syn Shenron/Omega Shenron, presumably both are homages to Dragon Ball GT (presumably to go along with Watagash'south similarities to Baby and Naturon Shenron).

Female Future Warrior wearing the Super Saiyan 4 Suit and SS4 Wig & Tail accessory in Xenoverse 2

  • In Xenoverse ii, when the Future Warrior has the Super Saiyan iv adjust equipped, information technology will appear as it does on Goku or Vegeta, though the tail stays static. However, if a female equips the suit, the chest area is covered up past a blackness bra.
  • Most Dragon Ball video games acquaintance this form with Goku in Dragon Ball GT, with iii exceptions, Dragon Brawl Z: Budokai 3 has DBZ Goku utilizing this form instead of his GT cocky, who is entirely omitted from the game and its story, with DBZ Goku taking his place in the Shadow Dragon Saga of GT. Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World has both DBZ Goku and GT Goku able to transform into the form, the just video game in the entire series where the form is shared betwixt both incarnations of the character. Dragon Ball Fusions includes GT Goku, but his Dragon Ball Super self transforms into the form instead. In the Infinite History mode of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Goku in his Whis Gi outfit transforms into a Super Saiyan 4 instead of Super Saiyan Bluish because of Fu'southward antics.
  • In the Infinite History Saga featured in Xenoverse 2's Extra Pack 2 DLC, Whis has some cognition or knows of Super Saiyan 4.[25]



  1. Dragon Brawl GT episode 58, "Shadow Dragons Unite"
  2. Dragon Brawl GT: Final Bout, 1997
  3. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 level, "Ultimate Super Gogeta"
  4. 4.0 four.2 Dragon Ball Heroes, 2010
  5. five.0 5.1 5.ii 5.3 5.four Dragon Ball GT: Perfect File, 1997
  6. Dragon Ball GT episode 62, "Rescue Goku" original Japanese version
  7. 7.0 7.1 Dragon Ball Anime Illustration Collection: The Aureate Warrior
  8. Herms' tweet on LSS
  9. Dragon Brawl Fusions, 2016
  10. "Maxim Farewell"
  11. Anime Insider December 2003 (#10), "The QT on GT"
  12. Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark King Mechikabura Saga
  13. [Goku'south tail is fully regrown]
  14. "A transformation to further unlock Goku'due south potential was considered from the kickoff."
  15. Dragon Brawl Q Atsushi Maekawa Story Q&A. kanzenshuu.
  16. Merging With Vegeta!
    "After Goku and Vegeta use a merging item to merge, they become Vegito! They can furthermore become a Super Saiyan, making them Super Vegito! Later the two strongest people merge, they become the greatest master in the universe! Possibly even stronger than Super Saiyan 4!" - Dragon Ball GT: A Hero'due south Legacy anime comics, Goku'south Evolution
  17. Dragon Brawl GT episode 62, "Rescue Goku"
  18. SDBH UVM1弾 監獄惑星編 ゴッドボス 孫悟空:ゼノ 超サイヤ人4を倒せ. youtube (March seven, 2018).
  19. thousand.jpg
  20. "That form dad and Vegeta had... So there'due south another transformation also Super Saiyan Blue and Ultra Instinct...".
  21. Cipher's tweet on the guidebook. Twitter. Retrieved on November ten, 2019.
  22. SS4 Trunks. carddass.
  23. SS4 Pan. carddass.
  24. SS4s DBH. imgur.
  25. Whis Says Goku and Vegeta Can SSJ4 Transform Hidden Fourth dimension Warp Story - Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC vi. youtube (March 4, 2018).

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