
How to Detect Negative Energy With a Glass of Water

Feeling there is something wrong with space?

The world is a place where people with different believes and cultures have learned to coexist. If you're here, I'm certain that you believe in energies. Whenever I enter a place, I can feel a rush of energy that can simply be classified in any of these 3 categories – Positive, negative, and neutral. While neutral and positive poses no danger, when the energy is negative, that's a whole different story.

Be it in a spiritual sense or not, negativity and toxicity can impact our lives in numerous ways and none of them are for the better. To make you understand the concept of how negative energy can impact your life, let me take you through an example. For this example, assume that you have a partner with whom you have to spend a major chunk of your day. The downside is, he's pessimistic, negative and toxic.

What are the major changes you'll feel in your own life because of his company? You might start experiencing frustration, anxiety, irritability, and even anger. If you're weak, you might even start absorbing that negativity and become toxic, just like your partner. This is exactly how the negative energy around your space interacts with you. The stronger the energy, the more negativity you'll absorb. I know this sounds scary but no energy is stronger than your own. We humans have a strong will and brains that energies don't. If we look hard enough, we always find solutions to tackle every challenge. Here is how you can detect and cleanse your space of negative energy.

Checking for negative energy with a glass of water

If you believe in energies, good for you! This technique will help you detect and clear your space for a healthy and secure living. If you're not a believer, what harm will it do to you? Just do it anyway! Maybe the results will actually make you rethink your views.

How to do so

1. Take a clean glass

For this purpose, take any clean glass in your house. Make sure that the glass is completely translucent and it does not have any cuts or marks on it. If the glass is dirty, it will not serve the required purpose. If negative energy is present around us, it causes many problems in our homes. It affects not only our physical but also our mental well-being. It can make our lives difficult. Through this experiment, you will be able to get rid of all the negative energy that makes you sleepless and nervous. After you've taken the glass you need to do the following steps.

2. Use sea salt as an ingredient

Sea salt is best known for its therapeutic and healing properties. People use salt all the time to remove the negative energy from the spaces around them. Sea salt is usually used for peace of mind and for healing the body and soul. This is also the main reason people take sea salt baths to help their bodies and mind relax. So, avoid using regular salt and bring a bottle of pure non processed sea salt from your nearest store. Fill one-third of the clear and clean glass with sea salt.

3. Add white vinegar

For the next part, you will need simple white vinegar. Take the vinegar bottle, make sure that it is pure, and fill two-thirds of the glass with it. Be careful and don't mix the two materials: salt and vinegar as this removal of negative energy will not work if the two materials are mixed.

4. Add water

The next thing you need to do is add water to the contents already present in the clean glass. Be sure that the water is pure and it does not contain any materials inside it already. Add the water slowly and carefully till the glass is filled. Do not rush as this can mix the materials present inside the glass. Now you need to place this glass in that area you need to cleanse. You can also place it under your bed. Just keep it away from the reach of other people or children. If someone messes with the glass, this procedure will not work at all. It is best to hide the glass from plain sight.

How to know if there is negative energy

1. If the water is crystal clear

Leave the glass of water as it is for 24 hours. Make sure that no one touches the glass including yourself. Look at the glass after twenty-four hours. If the water is crystal clear that means that there is no negative energy present in your house. This is good news. If you're still not convinced you can do the same thing at different locations within your house. This will give your mind and body peace and strength.

2. If the water turned green

If you left the glass untouched for a full day and returned to find that the water has now changed color and is smudge green, this is a bad sign. This means that there was negative energy present in your house. But the good news is that this energy has now been removed. Conduct the procedure a few more times to fully rid your house of all the negative energy.

3. If the water turned black

If you leave the glass untouched for a whole day and came back to see that the water has turned brown or black, this means that your house has a lot of negative energy. You may need to conduct the procedure three or four times to fully remove that negative energy. The most common place this negative energy comes from is within you. So you need to cleanse your body and your soul as well as your home.

4. If there are bubbles in the water

If you see that bubbles are forming in the glass of water, you do not need to be nervous. This means that your home is almost clean from the negative energy. Whatever negative energy was left, it has been cleared out using this technique. You need to pay close attention to your surroundings and keep a lookout for changes in your behavior and your mindset.

Reviews from people who tried this

A 32-year-old woman from New York said that she has been using this technique for three years and it has helped her a lot. She says that she used to feel "depressed and nauseous" in her own house but since she has been using this procedure to remove negative energy; she feels safe and secure in her own house. She now has no more negative thoughts and she says that her family also feels happier and safer than ever before.

1. A 44-year-old man from Delhi

A 44 year old man from Delhi, India says that he had a lot of fights and arguments in his house. But ever since he tried this method, things are looking a lot better. He no longer feels much angry and insecure like he used to do before. He mentioned that he feels as if "his mind and body have been cleansed" after using this method. This shows that this method not only works in cleansing your house from bad and negative energy, but it also helps your mind and body get cleansed.

2. Another 36-year-old woman from Arkansas says

Another 36-year-old woman from Arkansas says that she lives alone in her apartment and always used to feel unsafe and insecure there, "It felt like there was always something trying to bring me down or harm me" but ever since she has used this method, she feels safe and at ease.


Negative energy is present almost everywhere around us. It can be present in our workplace or in our own home. We must take the procedures necessary to get rid of it as it can be extremely harmful to our physical and mental health. We need to stay positive and not let negative thoughts get inside our heads. Meditating and listening to peaceful music will also help you remain calm and happy. Keep your mind and body balanced and practice self-love and self-care. Toxic energy can be present everywhere but this is the best and safest way to detect and get rid of it for good.

How to Detect Negative Energy With a Glass of Water


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